Published: 8/2/17 / Revised: 9/23/18
No. Please consider the following before wasting time/money!
What to consider?
✓ A trust worthy source / individual.
✓ Hire based on background and experience.
✓ S/he should have a personal website (not just a social media account).
Why? Think about it! Anyone can create a social media account w/ out providing accurate details.
W/ a personal’s important to consider the following:
✓ Personal domain name – example:
– BE CAUTIOUS of questionable links – example:
✓ Actual (real) material of the coach (videos and pics).
✓ Material should be water-marked w/ actual logo.
Why? A legit admin / owner must use:
✓ Name and contact information to register a domain name..
Visitors can look up a personal website and examine:
✓ One’s track record (history / longevity).
✓ Consistency (previous post/material related to fill in the blank).
✓ Location (origin / country).
And etc….
Ok, now, I am going to shock you w/ social media!
1. True: a social media account can go through a verification process.
– It’s not uncommon for a team to host whatever account.
– Really think you’re chatting w/ that fitness star? Possibly not!
2. Wait, most importantly, a lot of models (act as coaches / health specialist).
Reality: not all models have a legit background in fitness / nutrition. Reality: some copy-paste plans that are NOT personalized!
3. Some are paid followers to: comment / like and etc.
What? Yes, some of the likes / comments are staged.
4. Untrustworthy testimonials / video reviews.
– Some models are compensated to strictly provide positive reviews.
– What company would pay for (possible) negative review$ & risk losing money?
Sold yet? How do I know this?
✓ Come on, I’ve been active behind the scenes for years.
✓ I support and respect human-beings.
✓ Plus, companies (yes, companies) wanted to buy me.
– However, I negotiate (and want a certain level of legitimacy).
– Models don’t care nor understand all of that!
✓ I’m for making a living or profit (minus fraudulent acts).